Syllabi of
Skill Paper Modalities
All the SEC papers uploaded in the pool for a given semester are open to all students of that semester. Colleges are free to offer any courses from the pool and students can also choose any one of the offered SEC, subject to some discipline specific restrictions.
All the Skill Enhancement Courses (SECs) offered will be assigned to a department of Gauhati University.
The following guidelines are to be followed while attaching a particular SEC to a department. The concerned GU department should ensure that
An SEC which has been assigned to a student MUST NOT overlap with other SECs.
The SECs are to be consistent in their course contents, paper code(s) and credit.
The department should suggest prerequisites or restrictions, if any, to a SEC. An SEC paper may have restrictions for students belonging to a particular subject (or discipline). For example, a student with honours in Computer Science will not be eligible to take an SEC on Basics of Computer and DTP. Or a student with regular course on Mathematics will not be eligible to take an SEC on Basic Mathematical Skill. If any restrictions are to be imposed, that has to be mentioned in the syllabus of the concerned course.
All SEC papers will have a theory and practical mark division of 50-50 i.e. a theory portion of 50 marks and a practical portion of 50 marks. All other standards would apply as mentioned in the GU CBCS Regulations.
The Examination for the theory part of an SEC (for 50 marks) will be held externally by the university as per the usual norms. The evaluation of the practical part of the course (for 50 marks) will be undertaken by the respective college (or institution) which is offering the course.
An Ability Enhancement Course (AEC) like English/MIL Communication or Environmental Studies may not be offered as an SEC. For example, a department/institution cannot suggest an SEC on English Communication as it is already an AEC.
Course contents of all Skill Enhancement Courses for various semesters are to be uploaded in the CBCS website in a stand-alone format for ready reference.